Bin Laden is No Longer

So, my posts will be a bit late today, but that’s OK. The big news is out. I saw my friends’ Facebook statuses blowing up last night with varying messages about Osama Bin Laden’s death.

The way this has taken over the media makes complete sense. The United States suffered a huge blow on 9/11/01, and those of us who were old enough to remember it happening are still affected. Bin Laden has been the face with which we have all recognized this tragedy, as a huge hunted symbol. It’s as if there has been this underlying tension that couldn’t subside until he was found.

Now that he’s deceased, hopefully the United States and especially the friends and family of those killed in the 9/11 attacks can feel some small sense of peace. I can’t deny that this is a huge deal. I’d be lying if I said that I was unhappy he’s gone. I do feel the world is a better, safer place without him.

However, I’m a bit taken aback by some of the responses people are having. One big beautiful part of being a United States citizen is the ability to exercise free speech. I understand and support that people can say whatever they wish and that many of us may be experiencing a variety of emotions right now, from relief to anger to triumph. Yet, all of these violent status messages worry me. Do we help violence with violence? Is that the really healthy, safe, proactive answer? By saying that Bin Laden should rot in hell, does it change that he’s dead? Or, is it just being said so that the person saying it feels better? Why is it necessary?

The United States Flag

Many could say that May 1 is symbolic, as it was not only the day that Bin Laden’s death was announced, it was also the day that Hitler’s death was confirmed. Some of us may finally feel that justice has been done, certainly. But, what about the future? Is anyone concerned about future retaliation from Bin Laden’s followers?

I know that everyone deals with situations differently, and that’s the beauty of individuality. But I will never agree that harsh words and violent acts are the permanent solution to anything. Violence always begets more violence. I suppose I am my hippie mother’s daughter. I am a much bigger advocate of peace.

Children living together in peace ... Courtesy of

Nonetheless, I hope that many people can now rest easier. I know that I can’t help but always look up when I see a plane flying too close. May our futures be filled with peace and kindness … with less violence, and more love. My hearts go out to those who lost people on 9/11 and to our troops.

About roxyswords

I'm a future counselor and a dancer. I care deeply for this world and the people in it, and I'm here to provide compelling content while expressing myself. I believe in going for what I love and doing ONLY that! The power of positivity is amazing, and life is beautiful!
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